Symposium 6
This weeks symposium questions focused on about the art, culture and technology, the potential of hypertext and if we will ever be satisfied with it.
1. Can technology progress independently of art and culture?
Technology => Art => Culture The tutors had a discussion about it, one of them said that technology and culture are not separate and that technology came from artistic desires. I remember in one of my communication module i had a reading on what is technology and what i remembered from it was that Technology, is a body of knowledge that creates tool, develop skills, and extract or collect materials therefore, everything is technology, culture and art. Art is just a technology practice.
2.What is the untapped potential of hypertext? Will we ever be satisfied with it?
What Adrian said in the symposium to ans this question really resonated with me as I never thought about it this way before, he said that on the world wide web, everything is equidistant meaning to say that in a book for example, chapter 10 on the web, will be of same distance as chapter 4, 3 , 2 , 1. and this leads us to the concept of hypertext where there is a reciprocating function unlike a link and it works in the past, present and future. Will we ever be satisfied with the potential of technology? I say no. definitely not. We are evolving, our needs are evolving and therefore there will always be a demand for the next shiny new toy. one will never be satisfied hence greed is one of our 7 deadly sin.