
Why is Coding Even a Thing…

I’m definitely just going to vent here…

I’m not the most patient of people, some might argue that my Sagittarian tendencies are to blame. Whatever it is, there’s no way I can sit in front of a computer screen looking at symbols and making sure that everything is in the right order and that it ‘makes sense’, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Basically I hate HTML. I’ve decided, just now. I hate it. During class when we were learning it, it might as well have been explained in Chinese because I think I would have understood just as much. I Don’t have an eye for detail, and I got really angry (scared mostly) when my hyperlink on page two didn’t bring up the first page, and that my pictures weren’t centred because, obviously, they’re not meant to be centred, they’re meant to be centered (bloody Americans and their silly spelling).

And the straw that broke the camel’s back must have been when I decided to stay behind, determined to resolve my hyperlink issue, only for Betty to notice that I had saved my Fetch document entitled ‘index’ with a capital ‘I’ instead of a lower-case one.

HTML reminds me of the Chewbacca defence, as mentioned in South Park.408x300px-c3ea1e0f_chewbacca_defense

