Random Philosophical Observations

Friends Forever


The other day i was watching How I Met Your Mother, and it was the episode where Ted thinks he was rivalling with another guy for a girl’s attention without realising that he was actually gay. Toward the end of the episode, they were saying how they’d never seen most of the people from that day ever again, even though they were all really good friends at the time.

I’ve obviously already graduated from high school and therefore had to leave a lot of people who i can call my friends, many of which I will most likely only ever see once or twice again in my life. But my closest friends I still see on a weekly basis, but that makes me think, ten, twenty years from now, are they all going to be a distant memory of irresponsible, ‘invincible’, teenage banter? One of my closest friends is leaving for the army in New South Wales in 20 days, we can always drive up to see him when he’s free, but will that last very long? And how long before my other friends move to Thailand, and run off with rich men or become male escorts who travel around the world? How long before I’m gone?

Sorry for the deep post, there’s too much intellectual insight on network media in here!


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