Random Philosophical Observations, Thoughts

MIchio Kaku on the Internet

Michio Kaku, a famous Japanese physicist breaks down civilisations into three types (type 0,1,2 and 3). He describes a type 2 civilisation as one that is stellar, and therefore immortal. A type 1 civilisation is planetary, which means that it can manipulate anything that has to do with the planet. Kaku believes that we are currently transiting between a type 0 and type 1 civilisation.

He argues that the internet is what we can call a “planetary” telephone system. Through other examples such as the English language, music culture such as youth music, and even economies such as the european union, the physicist explains that all of these things know no boundaries around the earth, and are therefore classified as type 1 technologies and ideologies. The internet knows no boundaries, it is not a caged like MySpace, it is bound to thrive and survive.


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