Reflectively, I have been working on pieces of advertisements, deconstructing them while approaching them as Media texts in order to analyse them and the way in which they are being marketed to their consumers.
I have found in my recollection of the idea of noticing workshop, through mass viewing of the Grune Transfer (thankyou abc)  began to notice the prevalence of tactical use of word of mouth within the promotional industry. Within  the technological age which media is transitioning through, word of mouth has shown to be a strong point of messaging and packaging a product. Through manipulating this process, the seller and advert companies of the text are forming a interactive interaction with their product, thus using human interaction, which is a primal notion, to monopolise upon the selling and ideological beliefs surrounding their product.
In theory, this is interesting alone, however upon more thought I began to apply it to situations which I have been within to which companies have attempted to use word of mouth as a primary promotional tool.
A few weeks back, the scene being set is a busy morning railway station, Melbourne Central Station, every day through this station bustles of busy commuters, students, corporate business types what have you flood through the gates coming up from the train station. Strategically, Chobani yogurt company positioned a table riddled with their Morning go oats, a product which is ideal for people who need to consume breakfast on the go. Through handing free samples out to people on their way to university, school, work and meetings, they were alienating their consumer base, generating a word of mouth opportunity among many people who they would see, who either also received free yogurt-ised oats, or would soon be rained upon with the “this morning these people handed me free samples of this product it was really “insert hopefully for chobanis sake positive adjective here”. Word of mouth is becoming more and more in the transitioning world of media a vital tool for which to get mass audiences to interact with media texts, by isolating sources who work as representatives for the product, and relying on their relaying to others to further promote the text.