Dismissively at the beginning of the semester, I spoke out in disdain of the revival of cassettes – holding the view quite literally that they weren’t “ironic” they compress the sound quality – something also achievable by using shitty Daiso $2.80 headphones instead you cheap unironic fuck.”
However, throughout the semester while exploring a fusion of knitting and Vlogging I became interested in the transition of meaning through form and the place in which Old Forms are situated within the progressional media culture. During our time interviewing our Craftsman for Project Brief 3 I gained a particular interest sparked by not only his eye for detail but by the idea of the experience surrounding a craft.
Elaborating on this notion of experience, Kona from The Resistance continued to describe this idea of a form encapsulating a moment, working as an homage to the time in which you first encountered it. In the same way that his attention to detail, and reactive craftsmanship (asking customers how they feel and crafting in response to this) I intend to explore the way in which a culmination of music’s meaning translates, transitions, and contrasts across three different forms, Cassette, Compact Disc, and Spotify Playlist.
When coming up with this idea – admittedly I felt pretty sheepish about my complete turn around of perspective since the beginning of the semester (yet simultaneously being grateful for my less rejective outlook). To say, however, that I wasn’t goofily excited at the prospect of creating a fire mixtape, getting my hands stuck into some physical design of tape, CD and Spotify graphics would be a complete and utter lie.
Beginning my exploration, I began listening to Spotify heavily trying to determine the sound environment I wanted to draw together – but admittedly it did usually result in me getting distracted and not focussing on what songs are playing but I did make an attempt. Additionally, to my hours of research extensive listenings, I began trying to figure out where the hell I was going to source predeceased tape recording technology. With the guidance of Daniel Binns (First of His Name, King of Old Media, Protector of the New, Lord of the alcohol dependent students) of House Windsor – I was off on a field trip in the pursuit of old media in a place where cutting edge technologies go to die – Cash Converters.
Upon an ample stroll up Elizabeth street – and cringing at the notion of Cashies advertising a 50% off Jewellery Mothers Day sale later I found myself perusing the isle of broken dreams, in search of one of those nifty little handheld cassette recorders. Alas, the only product they had with cassette recording capabilities was a pimp reminiscent early 2000’s speaker system that I would find pronounced difficulty transporting back to Hawthorn in peak hour traffic with.
Through the resurgence of the recording form through Netflix Original 13 Reasons – any favours put out for friends with the old devices either were laughed off or were greeted with looks of silent concern I went seeking out the depths of old media past hidden away at the back of Building 9’s tech office.
I am currently in the process of drawing together the right songs, analysing what story I wish to tell or mood I wish to translate -with or without the iconic sound system of yesteryear.