Reflective Folio:
Reflectively I see personal-growth, from moving to Melbourne, thrown into the deep end of the world, feeling lack of incentive and direction, knowing no one, and overcome by fear, I have met among possibly the most positive, supportive and uplifting individuals I have had the chance to know. Gaining strength, learning to converse with strangers without fear and utilising methodologies from week ones reading Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes (N. Katherine Hayles), I have identified how to work/over-come things best. Revisiting an exercise from Week 2, Media took us to the streets of Melbourne, observing various densities of the media around us. This experience changed my interaction with normal sights, as progressively I have found myself building upon these subsequent moments, through a constant of noticing and analysing, this first semester has awoken a side of myself which has been otherwise dormant. Feeling less like an outsider in a city i once described as “awake and buzzing,” I myself feel now awakened.
Within this awakening, and this degree I have had a major lightbulb moment. I have always been attentive and analytical, however never stepping back and realising this act of noticing, and the implications of it. This degree has emphasised the crucialness of noticing things in such a fast paced world, where things are constantly shaping and adapting. This resonated with me, through observing correlative aspects in broad areas of things around me, be it in actions, clothing or people, stepping back from the moment and noticing has better equipped me to handle situations in new ways I wouldn’t have before. Progressively the course theories became increasingly relevant to my daily life.
Through noticing my awareness of sound environments grew, which gave me new found appreciation for various sounds and songs, highlighted in my sound semiotic post about Pigs-Tyler The Creator, I never fully appreciated prior to the sound semiotics analysis the depth which is behind the lyrics, the delicate soundscape in unison with the lyrics forming a full sounding story, rather than a hollow rap song. This week emphasised an understanding of the vast reach media has upon things which I thought I fully appreciated, causing me to reconsider and re-evaluate for the second time in this course using the idea of noticing to re-examine the environment around me.
Overall I have relearned how to notice things around me in a new way, however this was a challenging and ongoing process, analytically I have gained more knowledge (however basic as of yet) on the entire world around me, discovering the importance within my life of analysing as a tool rather than an incidental.
Within this semester, I have seen the impact media has on things which I have a true love for, such as concerts. As my confidence grew with this degree, I began to attend
“gigs” again, enjoying myself and accompanied with a new found mindset and realisation that, these things I enjoy are in fact media forms, through gaining a greater ability to notice, I truly, reflectively have gained from this course so far the understanding that media can both be isolating, and unifying all in various different ways.
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