Today was a very very good day.
Awaking from an abrupt confronting lucid like dream, it dawned on me that my favourite band in the entire universe had unveiled their new song, the first new content published and released since the release of their album The Difference Between Hell and Home in 2013, and however I acknowledge the fact that yes, realistically it is true that two years is not long to wait for an album, this release had me anticipating to no explainable means.
Counterparts are a Canadian Hardcore band, who through their vivid simultaneously confronting yet relatable, with flicks of empowerment, create a body of work that is sure to kick you directly in your metaphorical feels.  AND TODAY THE AMBIGUITY OF A BLANK STATIC FRONT PAGE WITH THE DATE MAY 14 ON IT WAS LIFTED REVEALING WHAT MADE ANTICIPATION WORTH IT.

A massive allure to this band, is the fact that their lyrics are so engaging when read without the rhythm enforced upon them by the instrumental environment within the song, yet when intertwined with the instrumental aspects make you want to jump around and pump out the lyrics along in vocalist Brendan’s face, (something to which I have done on numerous occasions, across various concerts, and my last counterparts concert was finished standing on stage with a fellow avid lover finishing off their ballad the disconnect).

Burn is a beautiful addition, to a even more beautiful embodiment of work, with groovy melodics, accompanied by lyrics so emotionally raw they toss you straight within the journey of the song.

Bring on 24.7.2015.

A lucid dream, where my chest will collapse from the weight of a fictitious ghost. Tear through me, sacrifice me to your sea. With broken arms I’m left to carry my shell with no help from the current. Lifeless, I am dragging me down. Hollow, I’m left to fend for myself. Forget everything that you’ve come to know. We are not meant for much but to carry our own misery.