Montage of Heck is a documentary based around the life of Kurt Cobain, front man of Nirvana throughout the progression of his life and his death. The Montage of Heck was released on April 24 2015 directed by Brett Morgan, it utilises the use archive of both old footage of Kurt which has been uncovered from childhood footage through to footage of him with Courtney Love and daughter Francis Bean Cobain.
The Montage Of Heck utilises this archival footage in combination with found footage, and animated footage to help encapsulate and fill in the gaps between the footage.
This touches on techniques utilised within Project Brief Three, while building on the various media corner stones we have been looking at for the past two week and we will be exploring for the subsequent weeks of Semester one.

Media texts within The Montage of Heck use Nirvana songs, combining these with the archival footage from Kurt’s life rounding together with the use of found footage, animation and the focusing of words written by Kurt himself within his various notebooks.
The audience of this documentary styled piece are invited into the world which is Cobains own, exploring through both the light and dark parts of his life, and get a refreshed understanding of the icon, which has typically been fairly muggy. Audiences of this documentary can range from general lovers of documentaries, through to die hard Nirvana/Cobain fans and everyone in between.

Overall The Montage of Heck is a moving, and enlightening documentary throwing audiences into the journey of Kurt Cobain as a human being, utilising a skilful combination of found footage, and archival footage to construct an intimate representation of the life that was Kurt Cobain.