Today in class we watched our project brief three and split off into groups of four to critique our own videos.
I am linking India Weaver  ‘s portrait of her grandfather due to us having similar conventions throughout our film.
Through her video what I gained in regard to what I could have done was add a more nostalgia element to my film, highlighting more of the sort of person more so  of who nana was.
I felt her video came together extremely well tying together to create an excellent tribute to her grandfather.
We both used aspects from Scott McCloud’s, 1993, reading ‘Blood in the Gutter’, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (Northampton, MA : Tundra Pub), allowing the audience to fill in the gaps between the footage. Both of us utilised found footage to attribute to the overall construction of the narrative we have set up.
Both of us chose our grandparents, and both of us faced similar restrictions in being concerned about our representation of someone who is dear to us.
In spite of the similarities we both created two very different final films, which is a positive and intriguing thing.
The biggest piece of criticism we found on my piece, and one I personally thing is the use of older photos could have been stronger, however I omitted these older photos due to her being present, even if her mind is increasingly less and due to her being the keeper of photos at her house prior to moving into respite, and later high care they are scarce to find when once they were meticulously organised.