As apposed to my Project One, I used this self-portrait as a way to, rather than show a specific world around me, exhibits my thought processes, and internal reflections.

 A major component of this artefact is the sound file of my self-reading a piece of self-reflective writing I wrote freshly after moving here. In terms of the audio within this film I used correlative reflective narration, mixing it in with sounds I recorded on my way too and from university.

 The outside sound heard, is the rolling of skateboard wheels across asphalt, this sound, I felt worked well in building upon this sense of journey and growth which is shown within the profile. The second sound was from a traditional Tibetan flute busker, I chose this sound to trail out the narration in order to represent my hopefulness for the positivity that lies ahead, rather than portraying that my overall perspective of Melbourne life, is one which is bleak and dismal.

 An ongoing motif I used in my visual presentation of a self portrait, was the reoccurring bus scene of me exiting my home town; using this as an overlay over various captured imagery, I felt worked really well in tying together, the constant playing on my mind of home and what I felt I left behind.

 A shot I felt purely personified both, literally and metaphorically the new horizons, I as a person am beginning to face and what is behind me, is the transition from the bus scene to the roof top horizon view.

The use of crowds within my video highlights the isolating feelings I face when realising the density, which is humanity, especially since moving to Melbourne.

 The introduction of a tracking shot of me walking represents me finding my feet and beginning to over come internal boundaries I set myself, and the emotions I feel. Night slow exposure photography is used to add a vivid aspect of light to the video, which can be directly related to my new perspectives I am stumbling upon during my journey here.  The final shot is the first shot reversed, and is representing me combining where I have come from more fluidly with where I am heading.

Media Proj 2 from Anniemae Goldring on Vimeo.