For our final project, our group created a talk show wherein a male and female co-host discuss the legitimacy of the gender wage gap. The talk show was based on the RMIT ABC Fact Check “Have women become better educated while the gender pay gap hasn’t budged”, which RMIT ABC Fact Check verified to be a true claim.

Our show, aptly and creatively titled ‘The Talk’, utilized a male and female co-host to play off of real-life where the gender gap is often dismissed as a myth by men. From the outset, our main goal was to use our prototype to clear up some of the many misconceptions and mistruths surrounding the gender gap discussion. We achieved this through the script, where our male co-host Tom would argue against our female co-host Emma-Eve with the most commonly held misbeliefs about the gender wage gap.

To further highlight the fact that pay disparities between genders and discrimination towards women in the workforce have been an issue that has plagued us for decades, we also included archival footage of a 60’s man discussing women’s role at work. This footage was also interspersed with shots of women working hard. I really liked this addition to our video, as I feel like it brought our points together nicely.

On the day of filming, we had some issues getting our EVS and graphics clips together, which was quite stressful. Fortunately, Amaani opted to edit the graphics and EVS clips in post-production, which made filming so much easier.

I was really surprised by how smoothly things ran. I felt like the last two weeks leading up to filming were really stressful trying to get everything together, but on the day I realized that we were actually really prepared. I think a big part of everything running so smoothly was because we decided to not use our graphics and EVS clips live, which I noticed a lot of the groups struggled with the week prior. I feel like we really came together as a group also, as we had similar ideas and goals for how we wanted our finished product to look.

After watching our video for the first time at the exhibition, I was so pleased with how it came together. Emma-Eve and Tom were fantastic presenters, and I’m really proud of how the script came out as I struggled with writing it at times due to all the conflicting sources on the subject. All in all, I think that the prototype came out almost exactly how I imagined it, and I’m really happy with how our group worked together to create it.