Lectorial 7

In the lectorial we took a look at semiotics in both image and sound.

We began by looking at media texts to identify the signs, both the ‘signified’ and ‘signified’ which help us to unravel the meaning by texts. This is through the denotation and conation of the signs. For most semioticians both denotation and connotation involve the use of codes, which are interpretive frameworks. We used examples of advertisements to identify the signs in each, and then break down their denotation and connotations.

Jasmine then discussed concept of sound, it being pervasive, multi directional and complexly layered. She noted that our ears filter landscape and unlike our eyes cannot be closed off at will.

Semiotic codes of sound place the listener in an imagined relationship with the subject of representation. There are two crucial codes to sound; perspective and social distance. She also explained how when we listen we are hearing a figure, ground and field sound.



Figure: screaming, cries of anguish

Ground: bombs

Field: footsteps wind

As I listened to Jasmine describe the complexity of the way we listen and then take in sounds to get a sense of our surrounding it immediately remind me of the sound clip ‘Virtual Barber’. This is a clip that allows you listen to with headphones to experience a virtual haircut.  The way sounds are utilised in each ear creates the feeling that your hair is being chopped off (despite the knowledge that you know you are not, in fact, at a barber).


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