
Progress Update – Soundscape finished! 

Exported my final edit of the soundscape today. Am really happy with the way the layering turned out as throughout there’s usually one slightly raised focal voice that you hear, and then multiple other layers of other voices, which you can hear coherently if you concentrate and focus on them individually – otherwise it just appears like a wash of sound, just as I intended.

Slight issue is whenever I play it through my laptop speakers it loses all of its depth and the sounds become very separated into one loud main voice and then just quiet chatter in the background. Through headphones however its magnificent. Sound extraordinaire Ed assures me nothing sounds good through laptop speakers so I shouldn’t pay it any mind however, so I’m running with that.

Time to focus back on editing the interviews now!

By October 9, 2017.  No Comments on 🔊  Uncategorized   

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