working out lighting setup & colour schemes
- using 3 dido lights with coloured gels
- need to decide if all subjects should be shot with same colour scheme, or different ones
- would it be incongruous to have different colour schemes on each wall?
- need to decide which colour schemes are the best
- the more candid, laughing, moving shots are more engaging and comfortable to look at – as opposed to staring at the camera which appears intimidating and uncomfortable – should foster candid, fun environment so moving portraits are more of a celebration
- consider balms/oils and glitter to make most of lighting setup, as these show up well in this environment
- some lights are blinding
- make sure each person takes up an equal amount of the frame
- possibly try another test with softer colours (need to find a backdrop for that)
- bring in green cellophane for pink/green coluor scheme
- sort out frame rate for dark room
- why does RMIT not have any backdrops / rooms will pull down backdrops / shoot rooms???? (if tutor reads this and knows of one pls halp)