

I was drawn to this studio as I believe that, especially moving forward in the digital age, creating immersive media (installations, spaces, or films), is more achievable and perhaps more important than it has ever been. Creating something that can envelop a person within an experience completely is an awesome task. As someone who aspires to create documentaries for a living, I hope to use the lessons I reap from this studio to enhance my films and create immersive documentaries that captivate their audience. Learning different techniques of immersion through editing, sound, movement, colour, and more, will enhance my ability to do this. Through exploring different types of immersion I furthermore hope to expand my practice and add to my repertoire of skills. I enjoy learning about and experiencing immersive art installations, and have some experience working to create such spaces, and would like to explore this further, while making any future work focussed upon my field of documentary, enabling me to explore other forms of documentary outside film. In terms of technical skills, I would like to make the most out of being in a studio with digital media students and learn more about sound, and audio editing, as I am lacking in this area and a higher awareness and level of proficiency in audio would elevate my films. In terms of media outputs for this studio, I would love to make another documentary film for my portfolio, however I am not sure what form this would take. So far I have been greatly inspired by the experimental documentary film Koyaanisqatsi, which was shown in class as an example of an immersive documentary film. I would like to learn more about other immersive documentary styles and techniques in order to apply these lessons to my own films, and create documentaries that visually and intellectually move beyond just sharing information, and truly engage the audience in an experience.

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.

By July 30, 2017.  No Comments on 🔮  Uncategorized   

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