
Debate Day – Is streaming killing the music industry?

On the negative team, we categorised arguments regarding the consumer, the artist, and the industry, as follows:


The Consumer:

  • Free streaming allows widespread access to consumers
  • Allows consumers to find music they wouldn’t regularly be exposed to, as well as suggesting new music in their preferred genre
  • Affordable
  • Ease of access

The Artist:

  • Affords the artist an accessible platform for their music, unlike the old system of trying to get radio play
  • Offers bands/artists more exposure, and to people all around the world.
  • Larger audience – greater chance of being discovered by both consumers and record companies
  • A small artist wouldn’t usually get any plays, streaming services allow a way into an industry that has historically been very closed.
  • Demographics and analytics allow artists and companies to track their largest listening demographics and target these demographics by playing shows in these areas – benefitting the listeners and the artists.

The Industry:

  • Streaming has increased overall listening and engagement with the industry
  • Streaming has broadened the industry and made it accessible
  • As streaming allows people to listen to music online for free, the need for piracy has lessened, ensuring artists and companies are paid for their work – and that it is accessible for all. Streaming filled the hole in the industry between radio and purchase that aided piracy, thereby benefitting the industry overall.

If it weren’t benefitting these groups, why would they be using it?

By March 23, 2017.  No Comments on 📣  Uncategorized   

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