Project planning.

In this week’s tutorial, we went over our outline for project brief four. As a group, we devised an outline for the audio essay, based around the overarching topic question that we refined last week as: How have changing technologies effected the distribution and reception of news broadcasting? 

The audio essay is centred around a specific example, as we decided to use the media portrayal and reaction to the recent Paris attacks to explore this idea, and we are currently focussing on this. Once we have the audio essay underway, we will move on to sort out the video essay, which will be a more general exploration of the topic, focussed on the history of mediums and implications of technological change over time.

Currently, the outline for our audio script is, roughly, as follows:

Intro – Take audio of new reports from the Paris Attacks. News footage / recount of the paris attacks timing. Overlaying of audio, fast cuts, goes quiet before formal speech begins.

Speaking of mediums and media technologies, changing place of news within new media through paris attacks example.

Positives – Allows us to share information very easily – find out faster through social media than news coverage. People could ‘check in’ as safe on Facebook during the attacks. People could warn others what was happening before the news could. Permitted constant updates and varied voices.

Negatives – The creation of panic through social media hysteria. Spread of false information. Misinformation.

Why are only certain things spread – Internet / networked media still a gateway, just like broadcast media – biased towards westerners, or lack of media industry in poorer countries that creates this? Does the existence of social media preclude this argument?

Conclusion – Looking forward, current place of news media, relation overall to broad topic question.

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