A blog post on blog posts.

In week 5’s lecture, we were told that none of us were putting up enough posts on our blogs. Ironically in a communications course, it wasn’t particularly well communicated to us at the start of the semester that ‘four posts a week’ as we were told, really meant that four posts was the bare minimum we should be doing to pass. Hence, most of us are now furiously trying to catch up and post obscene amounts of material on our blogs.

In this however I am conflicted. While there are a million things I could post about, and I don’t struggle to think of things that I could write about, I am constantly met with two questions:

 a) Does the world needs this information? That is, is this worthwhile? Does it contribute to anything? Is it meaningful or necessary? There’s already so much junk on the internet, I don’t want to contribute to it and dilute well crafted, important, meaningful content, with reams of purposeless, trivial, and unproductive writing.


b) Is there quality in this work? By placing the focus on creating a large number of posts, the quality and standard of the posts are inevitably going to drop, as less time can be dedicated to each – quantity over quality.

I’m not sure how I feel about posting endless trivial observations, poorly crafted paragraphs and layouts, just to fulfil a quota. I’d much rather produce slightly less work of higher quality than things that I’m not proud of. It’s important to me to create media that is well-written, aesthetically pleasing and meets my own standards, thus I am trying to find a balance that allows me to maintain a certain standard, whilst meeting the requirements of the course.

By April 5, 2016.  No Comments on ✧  Uncategorized   

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