Tavi Gevinson at Melbourne Writers’ Festival
Once upon a time I read through Tavi Gevinson’s Blog, Style Rookie from start to finish in about two days. That seems to be my consumption habits when it comes to blogs, once I’ve done that I rarely return to them to see what’s been contributed since. (Come to think of it it seems to be my consumption habit with chocolate bars too – the all in one go approach)
Anyway, I admire Gevinson, yes because as an 11 year old girl she became one of the most influential fashion blogs on the internet, but also because she can transform the generic traits that young women/girls view as flaws, into strengths. She also manages to express her ideas in valid and interesting ways while embracing her teenage traits. (who else could simultaneously talk about One Direction and her creative process and still manage to inspire)
Yesterday my facebook feed directed me to her keynote speech from the 2013 Melbourne Writers’ Festival and I watched it out of mild curiosity. I’m sure it’s not for everyone but I really enjoyed her exploration of creativity and navigating having a voice on the internet.
If you’re interested take a look. Tavi speaks well enough for herself so I won’t try to.