FILM-TV 2 – Analysis/Reflection #1 – Question 5

Listen to the audio you recorded in Tute #1. Here. Write a paragraph or two about your recording from a technical and/or “poetic” perspective.

The audio that I recorded in my tute evoked a sense of awareness for me. My senses were heightened and every sound and volume became filtered into singular sound streams that I could hear clearly and individually. I was recording in the open areas on Bowen street, moving my microphone 180 degrees, around the landscape. I could hear conversations about various things taking place, the sounds of thousands of shoes clacking on the ground. My hearing senses became widened to even the trams going by, and the humming of the airigation/ventilation systems around RMIT. Sometimes were so busy at Uni that we don’t focus or realise how much is actually going on, how much sound goes unnoticed and unheard. The sounds evoke images of groups of kids walking around in their high school class of 11′-13′ jumpers, talking about the weekend or their assignments. It’s a imagined visual of a mass post high school social gathering taking place in a public area. Familiar friends still finding them selves and their securities through the earlier years of their lives. So, obviously these sounds evoked a very philiosophical thought process for me. Maybe the focusing on simple sounds and then being questioned about them has brought me into thinking beyond a general “what did you hear?” and rather a “what does it all mean, and why is it so important?”

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