Romance, The Fear & La Résistance

I am searching for truth and romanticism. The fine concept that strings together my reality. The knowing that everything is true and real, while maintaining some mysticism and affection for what makes the 10’s a decade of change, a decade of fighting back against selling out a culture for money, and a decade of spiritual revolution.

My existence in Melbourne is like being what we call in the film industry, “fly on the wall”, meaning I am the observational camera angle. I stand back and watch it all unfold and make my small fly sized opinion heard anywhere from a buzz to the bubonic plague. My observations lie in the realm that our generation faces the hardest and most confusing elements of the world that the generations before have left behind. We gamble between making a living by working hard and persisting, or as a dog jumping up and down for a bone, humping the leg of its owner. We’re left with an abysmal music industry, set on three chord tones and catchy tunes to try and make hundred million dollar sums so men in black can afford their sports car quota for the year. Our politics have gone sour, and our education has gone numb. We’re not interested in learning anymore, only money.

We are a pioneering generation. We have the power to stand up and fight back, not in the violent sense, we don’t need that, we simply choose to not follow. I’m for following your dreams, whether it be a football player, crayon maker, to a rattlesnake shaker. Anything we wanna be, we can be. There is no one stopping us. Feel free to run over to your council and tell them what you wanna see done, you’re entitled to it. Change things, move mountains, fucken’ unleash the hounds. This is my romanticism. The truth that life is ours and no one else’s. We are the creators of our own universe. We are the masters of our own destiny, and we are caught up in our future that we miss the present. It’s time to enjoy the short time we have. I believe in a social and Cultural Revolution, the only thing stopping it, starting it, rewinding it and ejecting it, is you. Press play.


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