Freedom of Thought, Thought Being Freedom.

I fear nothing, but the void of thought. Death is the absolute void of thought, and everything that contextualises existence. I fear death because I may longer be able to think, or act, or feel. But if I live, when I cannot think, or act, or feel, oppressed by judgement and savage vilification, then I may no longer live within the realms of society, but let my mind wander free into the abyss, meandering through the endless possibilities that is the imagination, then will I know the absolute freedom.

A euphoric train of thought, the free flow of imagination and creation, is a purely subjective experience. We cannot truly explain every vivid detail of our somewhat existing creation, only can we try to save the thought to savour and examine it. We create layers of different elements of thought like style, colour, content, meanings, messages and emotions. Such a complex and multifaceted spark that is ignited like a match to tinder. This is incredible. The most amazing and astounding thing known to mankind, the ability to imagine, create, think and exist.

However, while I can think, I can not say. Not just I, but all of us, are constrained to social complexities and social mannerisms that confine us to what is appropriate and sane. But what magical being creates these restraints? This fictional authority of superior charisma and social elite that I dare not look in the eye or be blind? How can rules become so widespread through this culture of ours, yet not be questioned. We feel comfortable in restrained conversation. The lack of abstract thinking is our protection. It’s the invisible shield to defend us all from each other, for we are nothing but judgmental social savages, preying on difference and creativity. The abstract becoming the abysmal. A baron wasteland of numbed thought and consciousness.


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