Trailer 2

With the second Trailer I tried to make it more informative without having the rely on my narrating the whole thing. I used the footage and audio that was taken on the second day of shooting from Jack, who was the lead on the mockumentary genre. Cutting together her dialogue with titles helped explain the story a bit more. The main problem I have with this is it makes Jack seem like the main character of the series when in reality each character is the main character in their respective episodes. However I don’t know how I could’ve used dialogue from other character without making it sound too incoherent and messy.

One problem I had with the editing was trying to make the two different cameras that we used look similar enough. We decided to change camera for a number of stylistic reasons which made sense at the time however without the context it looks sloppy. Because the cuts are fairly quick I’m hoping that it mostly goes unnoticed.

explanation Trailer:

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