Once we were all happy where the scripts were we then moved onto the next stage which was organising location. We had always kept location in the back of our heads when writing script so that we could envisage what the end product might look like. We knew we wanted to shoot at RMIT for several reasons: it was central for everyone to get to, we needed the setting of a uni (so what better place to fit than a uni) and it meant that we could do a lot of specified location scouting to try and find the best possible place to shoot. We all tried to keep an eye out for possible locations during our time around the uni, we’d then take photos and report back to the group what we found and whether we could use it in our shoot. One such place that I found was an alleyway that I thought would be good for the horror genre, even though we didn’t use it, it was good to build up a catalogue of potential locations.
Here are some locations I found for the Horror Genre:
Building up a good catalogue of places around the uni is really helpful to map up how our shooting days might go. There were a lot of potential places however the problem that we’re finding is we need rather neutral spaces for our shoot as the location has to accomodate for different genres. In the pictures above they would’ve worked really well stylistically for horror but couldn’t accomodate for mockumentary or fairytale. So at the moment we’re thinking a classroom, or something that is enclosed so that we can control the mise-en-scene.