As Mentioned previously it was my job to look after editing all of the scripts and making sure the continuity was there between the difference episodes. Our original idea of sending all of the scripts to me and then me sending them all out separately didn’t quite work as there was a lot of explaining that had to go on to make sure that everyone understood where I was going with it. There were also a few times where I originally had hoped to change a certain occurrence in the script only to be told by the writer that it couldn’t be changed as it was crucial to the whole story and what they planned to film, so I had to make even more changes to other peoples script and all in all it was a bit of a mess.
At our next meeting we addressed this quite simply, it wasn’t working, what can we do to fix it and make sure that everyone was on the same page. We all decided, in the end, that it was far better for me to write down, what we called, a major story arc and everyone work off that piece of writing, rather than me trying to work off several pieces of writing. Our major story arc contains all of the common occurrences and meetings between the different characters and at what time in the story they occur. It was my job to create this major story arc as I had the best idea as to where everyone was heading thanks to my previous attempts to make things work. It was really simple, I only did dot points of what needed to happen and I tried not to over complicate things so that everyone could follow along easily enough. Then everyone was sent off to work on the scripts again but this time everyone would be basing it on this single piece of writing, which in the end gave all the scripts a nice uniformity to them and kept the continuity peeps at bay.
It was definitely a struggle for me at first trying to get all the scripts to work together because I’d never written many scripts let alone conduct a multi-writer marathon! It was good to collaborate with everyone and really interesting to see different styles of writing and how people were trying to convey their genre within their writing. I think for me, if I was trying to write a script in a certain genre I think the easiest thing to do would be to explicitly say it at the start of the script, because if there’s one thing I’ve learnt from this editing experience, sometimes the simple solutions are the best!
Here is the Major Story arc that I got people to work off of: