Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

In this post I will be analysing Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and how it’s content can be used as a cultural technology and create an encompassing community that goes beyond the borders of countries.

As an audience that is used to the normal codes and conventions of a news program I am able to understand the more intricate codes and conventions of  its satire. To satirise something, other then to poke fun at it, is to critique it, so that the right audience member might, in turn, understand the critique and become more knowledgable and questioning of a particular subject. Broadly speaking, culture is views and stances that the majority of people take within a group. By having such a democratic way of doing things, where people can voice opinions and views can change over time, culture is always evolving. By using the mass media of Television satirical shows like Last Week Tonight is able to bring forward perspectives and views that other shows can’t, they are able to push the envelope. In essence they are using the Technology of television in order to cultivate a positive culture.

Although the argument can be made that they’re just making jokes and poking fun, a lot of the shows content is actually about serious and concerning developments. One such topic is the appalling state of Sex Education in American schools. In this report punch lines are reached but some shocking numbers and facts are laid down as well. One of the stories that John Oliver did on the Daily show that granted him such recognition was a 3 part series on gun laws in America, once again a serious topic that evoked a wide spread discussion on the subject. By doing this the show is able to cross the line that many other serious news shows wouldn’t tend to cross. By making these revelations so entertaining also helps the information reach the masses.

In terms of a community beyond borders: the content is very important. Even though it is a show set in America and mainly for Americans there are many segments that reach out to different parts of the world which invite other people and other cultures to initiate into its community. The very first time I had heard of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver was when he did a special segment on Tony Abbott, the Australian Prime minister. Because this shows content extended out to my culture I then reached back to its culture, watching old episodes and other segments that interested me, keeping up with his new episodes as well. Its content invites people from other countries and other cultures to participate in the ongoing critique they have of society which, in turn, is what creates a better culture and unified world community. Of course this was only possible thanks to the internet. As technologies change, cultures change and the means in communication and discourse, such as television changes.

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