As a producer the creation of a social tagging system will help dramatically for an ongoing product such as a Television series, or better put as an online series or a web series. Imagine the amount of discussion and following that you would get if you allowed the fan base to decide what was to happen next, obviously not give them full control because then they would expect everything but still have a say. Or be able to know exactly what your audience wants and be able to riff on that to give them something completely unexpected. Being able to create such a community online would mean that a lot of the hard work and guess work would be taken out of the equation because all of that can be done for you and sorted out plainly by the use of tagging. Even if I weren’t to go this way in the future there is definitely the possibility that someone else will using the technology of folksonomies. Even as a consumer I think to have a say as to what happens in my favourite TV series is definitely something new and exciting that hasn’t yet been offered to the masses.