More Photography Fun Times

Leading on from the previous Photography Fun Times post here is another Panoramic shot!

It just happened to be snowing for the first time in ages up the mount from where I live, so I took the most of it and built a snow man!!! . . . and took this Photo. Something about undisturbed nature and panoramic shots just works so well together.


(PS, this photo was taken in wk 2 so I’m putting on the checklist for wk 2 shshshshs)

03 Reading

‘Networked Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge’

This reading shows the difference in technologies between the a book and the internet (in a nutshell). The introduction ultimately shows the limitations of a book, having to go to the library, get the librarian to help you find a book or a few books on a certain topic, borrow the books, etc. The point specifically about a student, I think that books still have a place in the education system personally, I believe they can be more trust worthy in a sense because their content has been through a lot of hurdles to get to the stage of a book which gives it at lease some validity. The point made in favour of the internet can also be its downfall, its easier to publish something online, can this be considered a negative as well?

I think the main argument for internet over books as a source of information is the convenience factor. It is more convenient to look up on the internet about something because its only a few buttons away on your computer or phone and you don’t have to, god forbid, head out into town and potentially speak and be social! Unfortunately in this day and age it is the preferred option.

One problem I problem I have in regards to the discussion about links on the internet is the general outcome of the general public, it can/will lead you astray. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten onto youtube, started with an educational purpose and found your way through the links, to end up watching voices overdubbed on cat videos . . . or is that just me. The point is that there are no cat videos in books!

Both have advantages and disadvantages but I do still find myself a bit sceptical of the internet.

Miles, Adrian. “Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge.” Screen Education Autumn.45 (2007): 24-30.

Wk 2 Readings

First of all, I would like to praise the person whose idea it was to post those videos as a part of the weeks readings. Its great to have something different every now and again and, if I’m being perfectly honest, receives more of my attention.

The creative commons video was definitely the easiest way to get my head around what creative commons are and can do. It is simple enough to understand when explained correctly however there is obviously more to it then what is in the video but it was a good start.

I tend to find legal documents and laws quite boring to read however I understand their importance, especially now in the world of technology. An interesting point in the ‘Blogs and the Law’ reading was the idea of what happens when the problem is over different countries.  “The internet is borderless”; apart from a great quote this raises the question: what happens if a of breach of copyright happens in a different country to yours, an international case? The answer being that the laws of their country (whoever created the original) are the ones at play. Which begs the question, if there was an international company could they sue that perpitrator from multiple places around the word ? How is that for incentive !

Just a minor note that I  found fascinating, obviously a by-product of the influential media imported from America, a lot of the questions were confused with the American Law some of which don’t exist in Australia, reminding me that if 911 is called in Australia it is redirected to 000 because some people don’t even know the emergency service of their own country! (Does anyone know the number for 911!). – hope I don’t need to quote that.