As part of our week 4 exercise on world-building, Stayci asked that we bring something to class in terms of an audio, visual, or audiovisual piece that illustrated a good example of building a world. My selection was the first… Continue Reading →
Reflect upon an influential text (e.g. a reading, or a screening) you encountered during the studio, and discuss it in terms of your own developing practice. This might be (but not limited to), how it introduced you to new ideas…. Continue Reading →
Upload a piece of writing you completed during a studio task/activity/workshop. Include a short paragraph reflecting upon a) what you think works with the piece and b) how you think the piece could be improved. You will receive feedback on… Continue Reading →
In the Thursday class of week 2, we were challenged with the idea of listing something we like and dislike – reasons for our likes/dislikes, and reasons why someone may see it differently (and like the thing we dislike, or… Continue Reading →
“It is characteristic of the vast majority of cities in the movies that they focus not on architecture per se, but on architecture as it affects, and is interpreted by, citizens” (Thomas 2003, p. 410). Let me begin by voicing… Continue Reading →
“Is a setting a world?” This is a discussion point that was raised during the first of our week 2 classes. As budding screenwriters, I think some set of definitions (or a general language) would definitely be beneficial in order to discuss… Continue Reading →
“I want to tease out a first glimmer of an idea for a screen world I might like to explore…” Coming merely from a title based on a pun that came to me – “Lore Enforcement” – I want to begin… Continue Reading →
Casting my mind back to week 7 (what is it with these long weekends making me slack??) and to our lectorial that week – which covered non-narrative media, with a brief chat on collaboration. According to Bordwell & Thompson, non-narrative… Continue Reading →
In today’s workshop, we viewed the final products of Project Brief 3 from our class. We were then asked to review the films produced by those sitting around our table. Grace Thomas – ‘Rosalie’ Grace made some interesting choices… Continue Reading →
From this exercise, I took a little bit of learning on how to direct interview subjects and how to frame interview shots. It felt like a little bit of a redundant exercise in editing, though — as we had… Continue Reading →
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