It’s all over but the crying And nobody’s crying but me Week 12 stress-near-crying is fine, isn’t it? Really though; the week 12 workshop was a pretty sweet relief from all the craziness of assignment due dates and the like…. Continue Reading →
The week 11 workshop revolved around the evaluation of the rough cuts of our audio presentations by our tutor, Brian. My group was first to have our draft evaluated, and Brian took some notes during and returned the following points needing addressing… Continue Reading →
It’s funny how memory has an odd way of escaping us sometimes. Uhhhh what happened week 10? OH RIGHT! So week ten’s tute was relatively struggley for me, as I was coming down with a bit of a migraine at… Continue Reading →
The week 9 workshops main exercise was really to discuss our annotated bibliographies, and discuss and present as a group where we were at with the planning of our PB4 presentations. Being the colourful, artsy type I am, I managed… Continue Reading →
Week 8 already! Today’s class was relatively chill. We started by listening to a Radiolab broadcast on the science of sleep, which provided an interesting example of audio essays we may end up producing for our PB4. It was just… Continue Reading →
Week 7 and finally. FINALLY. we could put the PB3s behind us. Well, sort of. We started out by viewing all the finished products and knee-jerk reacting to those produced by the people sitting around our table. You can see… Continue Reading →
Week 6’s workshop was an interesting one. After receiving our marks (something I want to improve for this second project, yet something I am starting to worry could be tricky) — we were asked to fill out a set of… Continue Reading →
Wow, are we meant to have our interviewees ready? Mine lives an hour away and is about to head in for surgery #PrayForGallBladder This weeks workshop was – once again – a little bit of sitting in class; a little… Continue Reading →
With week 4 highly disjointed due to the midsemester break, the workshop was a good way to throw ourselves back into the course. We began with a screening of the Project Brief 2 submissions. It was fun to see the… Continue Reading →
In this weeks workshop, we were tasked with assessing each other’s blogs – once again using the hats method to evaluate some sample blog posts. My table did not get around to critiquing mine – which at the time I… Continue Reading →
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