The week 9 workshops main exercise was really to discuss our annotated bibliographies, and discuss and present as a group where we were at with the planning of our PB4 presentations.

Being the colourful, artsy type I am, I managed to draw up this mindmap of our topics and then link together various elements we could segue between; as well as use post-it notes to note down our ideas of what could be presented in which essay in order to best utilize the affordances of each medium. For example; we decided that marketing would be best portrayed in the video, so that we could overlay images or footage of the products marketed by the Walt Disney Company; and best utilize the image side of video. We also decided to present the Gender Portrayal in Disney productions in the video, as I felt that audio was too limited for this; as it would’ve been difficult to present the necessary information in an interesting, engaging way.


I found the exercise pretty interesting – just to hear the different approaches to the topics that were being taken. Perhaps the one group whose approach interested me the most was the discussion on reality television in relation to audiences – and the way audiences engage with these, such as voting, fan discussion, etc. Having been an avid fan of several reality shows since I was very young, I think it is a topic I would’ve definitely found a lot of enjoyment in.

With the mind-map drawn out and our ideas discussed, Hazel, Asha and myself found ourselves ready to begin scripting and recording for our final project. And script and record we did!