With week 4 highly disjointed due to the midsemester break, the workshop was a good way to throw ourselves back into the course.
We began with a screening of the Project Brief 2 submissions. It was fun to see the talents of the others in my workshop on show – and really interesting to see the various approaches taken to the assignment.
From there, we broke off into groups and undertook a sound recording exercise. I paired with Hazel and we decided to try to answer the question regarding favourite eateries around campus and favourite things about the RMIT City Campus. During the exercise, I couldn’t help but feel like the process was one big plug for RMIT.
Hazel and I experimenting with both indoor and outdoor recording of clips for our interview. I think we found it difficult to record outside with so much background noise from others in the areas around us, but we made do with what we could – something that often has to be done in journalism anyway.
The next step is obviously to take these clips into Audition and clip them, creating our short interview for the next blog audit. I aim to do this over the coming days and have it embedded below upon completion. link in here
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