doing the work

After missing an entire weeks worth of class this week due to my slightly disheveled priorities with radio and miff, it was good to meet with Maddie after class was being held on Wednesday to work out how we would approach the footage. The recipe (Draft 2) that we were working on was quite verbose, and maybe had a ew too many points, and as such I was forgetful about noting interesting things, and Maddie was likewise about filming the colour blue.  All the time of writing I wasn’t sure as to how the blue could get used. But then I realised a combo of layers and overlays for the footage could be really worthwhile. Especially considering another one of the things Maddie and I discussed was to find our favourite bits of audio footage we recorded. Initially planned to be combined  with a black screen but maybe it could be accompanied by this overlaid footage but this works because blue is (as she said) her favourite colour. It did work out quite well though, like in terms of more or less there not really being applicable overlap between the nature of the footage and that nature of the places and the difference between them.

I’m looking forward to the finished product, i’m working on the edit to make up for missing class. But we have both done quite a lot of the edit together so it’s been quite inclusive throughout, though now I have completed the edit I think. Just waiting on Maddie to report back on her thoughts on it