the other part of the project

I think overall, it was a pretty good idea to have my project not fully summed up by the Korsakow document, to have an accompanying video. In total I filmed quite a lot of footage, that I felt like I would not be using at a point, both when I realised that a lot of the footage I had filmed had unfortunately been hindered by a lack of being actually focused correctly, and the initial ideas I had to explore layering through collaging felt more limited than I first thought as a result.

However, I think it was very much a silver lining, the spur of the moment decision to film, with two iPhone cameras – inspired by Hannah in her suggestion for the Korsakow document, one camera on the left side of the court, the other one the right side –  an entire game, because it very much allows for a greater level of experimentation and for me to be able to facilitate all of audiovisual aspects I was hoping to explore in squash in a far more easier way – as they are two videos with more or less exactly the same sound, albeit different video, allowing for the exploration of the sound design of the squash sounds, as well as levels of layering that could operate on much more simple terms. Here, there wasn’t much need to craft too much, it was more matter of fact, but certainly explores the movements that exist in the Korsakow videos a bit more, allowing one to contextualise the space, as well as having I would say at points a congruent sound design to the Korsakow document when there are two videos being viewed in Korsakow

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