April After Dark

This weekend will be an interesting one, so much so that I’m rather glad that we received an extension for the submission this week. I got an opportunity to volunteer for Triple R this weekend for the end of their April Amnesty week, a series of live performances called “April After Dark” where theres a live-to-air performance in the Triple R bandroom from 10pm-Midnight. I’ve been entrusted to film the performances, one song for each set, with three sets each night, and it should be really funny. Typing this now slightly nervous an hour before the fact.

So the first night went okay. Each band was met with their own little issue but it was an interesting learning experience and it will be good to work on tonight. Like the first band, The Shabbab, were full of energy and the static shot that I had was a little constrictive in that there are points that the lead singer is out of the frame, which was enough of an issue I felt that I had to move the camera to the other side of the stage for the next two bands. It was kind of interesting trying to work out the framing and also trying to anticipate what movement was going to take place during the particular performance. Hi-Tec Emotions was constricted by there being so many people so close up, meaning that the close up shots I could get were mainly the bassist and the singer. I was operating two cameras, and they’d be the only ones to use to edit and I don’t think I really thought about that enough. Finally, I may have accidentally missed the planned song the be recorded for Nation Blue, so each experience was kind of interesting, though I’m not sure whether or not I’m better or worse off for it. I’m thinking better.

The second night went pretty swimmingly. Teenage Hate of Triple R is probably one of my favourite shows on the Triple R program and due to this I think I was much more comfortable tonight, like if this night was on the first night it probably would have also been fine. I knew the bands a lot more which meant the setlists and cues were a bit easier to get my head around. Though I may have slightly forgotten to format one of the SD Cards before we began which is a slight hiccup, and then the SD card size meant that the cards kind of became full a bit earlier than hoped. But on the whole I thought this night was particularly fun. Dealing with band set-ups and stuff with the framing was interesting. Hopefully get to do more soon.

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