PB4 Audio Piece

Screenshot Written Reflection The entire process of planning, creating and editing my group’s PB4 was definitely the hardest process that I have had to endure during my brief time as a media student. My group had to overcome a number creative, social and communicational hurdles during our entire creative process and I learnt a lot from the experience, from both a technical side and a collaborative side. I am very proud of my group’s ability to communicate our overall theme of ‘Attention and Technology’ and the courses’ overall theme of ‘Attention’ in an interesting and creative manner, especially in one of the tougher creative … Continue reading PB4 Audio Piece

Project Brief 3 Cloud Man

Cloud Man Promotional still Blurb Cloud Man gives a glimpse into the harrowing life of an aspiring comedian trying to leave his mark on the ever growing Melbourne and Australian comedy scene. Following the personal life of Chilean/Australian comedian Matthew Vasquez, Cloud Man provides rare insight into rarely publicised and fascinating thoughts and lives of up and coming comedians. Production Screenshots Written Reflection In my interview for Project Brief 3 Cloud Man, I set out to produce an intense and somewhat melancholy interview with obvious comedic undertones. I drew a lot of inspiration for this piece from Louis Ck’s show on … Continue reading Project Brief 3 Cloud Man


Censored Emotion Video Production Screenshot Written Response All footage was shot on my iPhone 5c and audio through apple EarPods I found on the ground a week earlier. I set out for my self-portrait Censored Emotion to portray the recent struggles and self doubt I have faced post my attendance at Pitch Music Festival. Over the past few weeks and I have been questioning my hedonistic lifestyle and hopefully have portrayed my current state sufficiently in this video. I found the use of the five images challenging as it disrupted the continuity of the piece. The five images depicted represent the … Continue reading PROJECT BRIEF 2