Programming // fundraiser // announcement // media release

Reflections on class


This class was spent mainly with the submissions and programming team, as we showed short films we’d found to each other and talked about other short films we liked. I think we are pretty confident that we will be able to find a strong selection of films in the coming weeks.

I think that we definitely should’ve spent less time watching short films in class and talking about Richard and spent more time looking for shorts but I think collectively we are all really confident.

One thing that we have all found challenging when it comes to soliciting shorts is our own imposed age restrictions, I have found five really great shorts but they are all from directors over 25 sadly.

Media release

I decided to write an announcement media release for the festival to send out after everyone has come back from Easter. I was a little hesitant about sending out the media release to a lot of people as we still hadn’t locked in a venue and the festival was still very much in pre production mode. I was really careful with who I sent this one to and actually got responses from the few people I sent it to, include CBD News (who are keen to run a feature), RMITV (who are keen on reviewing some of the shorts), and FILMINK who are happy to re-post any of our media releases.

Fundraiser // money

I’m starting to worry again about the fundraiser, although I’m super confident that Ben has chosen to pretty funny films, I can’t help but think we might struggle to get people to pay to see them.

I am also starting to worry about how we are going to pay for the Backlot, although Bridie and Sean are doing an amazing job with sponsorship, and I’m confident that we’ll be able to sell tickets and merch, I’m still struggling to find out how we are going to pay for anything.

Everything else

One thing that I thought was cool was how well the entire class is allocating and actually doing jobs. I was really impressed with the team of people who have taken on what is most likely going to be one of the hardest jobs, planning and running the fundraiser, and how they’ve handled everything and actually look they might pull it off. I also think that the design, programming, and money (Maddy mainly) teams have been working. 

Reflections on readings

Guidelines for the Classification of Films 2012: Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995

In what could’ve been the driest reading of my uni life, reading the classifications guidelines didn’t really teach me too much apart from the specifics of classifying films,

I think that we’ll definitely go back to this document when classified our short films, I’m pretty sure we won’t have to worry too much when it’s comes to screening anything too explicit. I did however watch a bizarrely explicit short film submitted two nights ago but I’m extremely sure that it won’t get an official selection.


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