Short critical analysis on me never going to class

Here is a self reflective retrospective analysis of my terrible attendance this semester. Class attendance is paramount to any student that wants to average over 60 or 70 percent. Often students take advantage of the university system and skip class under the foolish young university student manifesto of ‘Ill catch up later’. Surprisingly in the case of Andrew (me) that isn’t the case and instead a series of extenuating circumstances and crippling laziness have been provided in the myriad of excuses i’ve used so far. I would consider myself as studious and result driven student that is very serious about … Continue reading Short critical analysis on me never going to class

Thoughts on PB3

I decided to review Louis C.K.’s unreleased feature film Tomorrow Night.  While writing this analysis I found myself facing a number of dilemmas. Something that I have really learnt and taken from this subject is that critical analysis is more then just an essay where the writer contents an opinion and provides evidence but more of a creative piece of writing. Despite knowing this and constantly reading reviews that have a ‘narrative’ as well as providing a strong review of the subject matter I feel like I still struggle to find the balance between entertaining and informative, something I feel can … Continue reading Thoughts on PB3

Hounds of Love thoughts

My pitch for the class website was a creative story/ analysis of Kate Bush’s 5th album Hounds of Love. While thinking about this idea and eventually writing my draft I felt that I took the idea of involving a narrative into a critical analysis way too literally. Due to my love of writing silly stories about drug taking I didn’t realise that I was writing a story about some guy doing drugs that kept going off topic to talk about Kate Bush. Despite thinking my idea of comparing the listening experience of Hounds of Love to taking drugs was brilliant … Continue reading Hounds of Love thoughts

Bread, Wine and Thou

Reflections and thoughts on Yossi Klein. This week the class was introduced to writer/chef? Yossi Klein, founder and editor in chief of the conspicuously titled Bread, Wine & Thou magazine. Despite finding many of his theories and anecdotes regarding his experience and thoughts on the creative writing and critical writing fields ultimately interesting I left the class with an overriding feeling of uncertainty. Firstly, Yossi’s analysis of the two differing food reviews provided me with a fresh reaffirmation of my discovery (large thanks to this class) of the importance of a narrative in some forms of critical writing. Upon reading the … Continue reading Bread, Wine and Thou