Workshop Week 8

For the third week in a row I was too sick to attend the class so I spent the time in bed editing my PB3. While editing the PB3 I realised that my audio files had considerable background noise over them, this proved to be extremely annoying as it severely lowered the quality and polish of the video. I spent a number of hours researching how to get rid of background noise in Premiere Pro, and after using a number of ‘denoiser’ effects and also trying my hand at ‘Audacity’ I decided to use the original audio files. I chose … Continue reading Workshop Week 8

Workshop Week 7

This was the second week of my debilitating illness and yet again could not attend the class. While looking over the the notes for this week’s workshop I realised this week’s focus was on pre-production,  putting emphasis on detailed scripts, storyboarding and planning shot positioning and composition. Seeing that I do not have access to a Sony mc50 I decided to bypass the group activity and focus on the pre-production of my PB3. Seeing as my PB3 is a (relatively) unscripted interview I decided against writing a script for the piece and instead made a rough storyboard for how I wanted to shoot … Continue reading Workshop Week 7

Workshop Week 6

This was unfortunately the start of a 3 week spanning illness and hence I was not able to attend this class.   This week’s workshop put focus on framing and pre-production. After reading the short excerpt from Bobker’s Elements of Film (1974) which outlined the principles of film composition I decided to try my hand at some of my own storyboard/single shot ideas for a film based on ‘Misunderstanding’. I found this concept quite difficult, especially being confined to my room due to my sickly way but effectively planned a single shot sequence. My idea for my short single shot film was to … Continue reading Workshop Week 6

Workshop week 5

Here are my thoughts on the week 5 workshop. In this week’s workshop we helf a mini ‘film festival’ where about half the class screened their self portrait videos, the overall quality of my peers self portraits’ was outstanding and I was really impressed with everyone’s efforts. After that Liam gives us a crash course into the workings of the Sony Mc50, outlining the camera’s basic functions as well as a teaching few interview filming conventions such as the 180 line rule and some audio techniques. From then we moved into little groups and went out into the real world to … Continue reading Workshop week 5

The Night Of a Thousand Wizards Reading Response

Henry Jenkin’s memoir and thoughts on his visit to a Harry Potter themed park provided an insight on an extremely important aspect of popular culture and media alike, fandom. Fandom is essential to literally all facets of creative media as media makers depend on people consuming, appreciating and sharing their product, in this response I am going to explore the positive and negative elements of fandom and it’s effects on media. Fandom provides a great deal of benefits to media makers, they provide a free platform for advertising, create revenue and essentially celebrate media producers work. Through mediums such as Facebook … Continue reading The Night Of a Thousand Wizards Reading Response

Project Brief 3 Cloud Man

Cloud Man Promotional still Blurb Cloud Man gives a glimpse into the harrowing life of an aspiring comedian trying to leave his mark on the ever growing Melbourne and Australian comedy scene. Following the personal life of Chilean/Australian comedian Matthew Vasquez, Cloud Man provides rare insight into rarely publicised and fascinating thoughts and lives of up and coming comedians. Production Screenshots Written Reflection In my interview for Project Brief 3 Cloud Man, I set out to produce an intense and somewhat melancholy interview with obvious comedic undertones. I drew a lot of inspiration for this piece from Louis Ck’s show on … Continue reading Project Brief 3 Cloud Man

Cinemathequé Film Review Pt.3 Barton Fink

Barton Fink  Barton fink, a funny yet horrific thriller filled with bizarre sequences and eclectic characters beautifully tells the story of an intellectual New York playwright’s struggle to adapt to the seemingly fake but unwittingly unpretentious movie business in LA. Filled with classic Coen Brothers’ motifs such as religious references, gratuitous violence and both neurotic and psychopathic characters Barton Fink effectively portrays a shocking, thrilling and completely mesmerizing story that both captures it’s audience’s unbridled attention and enjoyment. Through an impressive performance by the film’s lead actor John Tuturro, who portrayed the title character Barton Fink the audience quickly becomes engaged with Barton’s plight as an … Continue reading Cinemathequé Film Review Pt.3 Barton Fink

Cinemathequé Film Review Pt.2 No Country For Old Men

No Country for Old Men “I wish I’ve never watched it so I could watch it again for the first time.” Weirdly for someone who had watched the film for the first time I found myself thinking that very thought once leaving ACMI. No Country For Old men has all the makings of a great film; an especially evil villain, a likeable protagonist, unconventional weapons, Woody Harrelson and not to mention great action, monologues, and dialogue sequences. Instead of outlining the Coen Brother’s technical efforts that contributed heavily to the success of the film I am going to focus on … Continue reading Cinemathequé Film Review Pt.2 No Country For Old Men

Cinemathequé Film Review Pt.1 Raising Arizona

My friends and I have been regular frequenters of the Melbourne Cinematheque held at ACMI for the past two years and to my delight they are putting on a Coen Brother’s showcase over the month of April. I have hence decided to review one of the Coen Brothers’ films I see per week, this week i’ll be reviewing/giving my general thoughts one of my all time favourite films, the 1987 film Raising Arizona.  Raising Arizona Starring Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter, Raising Arizona is an incredibly upbeat and charming tale of an unusual young couple’s attempt at starting a family and … Continue reading Cinemathequé Film Review Pt.1 Raising Arizona

RRR Graveyard shift

Even though we haven’t covered broadcasting just yet I did feel that this deserved an initiative post. Starting at 2am on the 11th of April, my friend and I embarked on our 3rd joined graveyard shift. Here is how it went down. 2am Kit and I start off on a more sombre note playing a Sinatra classic. From there we talk for 10 or so minutes about the upcoming tracks we are going to play and talk a little about our plans for the upcoming weekend. 2.10am My partner Kit embarks on an 1.25 hour DJ mix, during this time … Continue reading RRR Graveyard shift