The feedback from the panel was a mix of positive feedback and constructive criticism. They enjoyed our pitch and the direction that we were heading in, however told us possible ways that we could go. Those being:
-Focus on Carly specifically
-Not focus on Carly as such, but let the idea of four bikes lead the viewer from cluster to cluster. Carly does not have to be the main object, there could be other cyclists as well.
-Specify which direction we want to head in directly , whether that is with Carly as the protagonist or having the 4 bikes the main idea – or we can stay with our own idea of Carly and her four bikes.
-The Korsakow expert said that the idea that we have works because thats the beauty of Korsakow. It is a multi-linear non-narrative we can have various leads, because there is no set structure – however on the other hand she liked our structuring of the clusters.
-One of the panel members said that he isn’t affected by the jumpy and out of focus footage, because that is what you expect when you are on a bike. What he does have a problem with is how over exposed the shots were. He said that this is the worst thing of all. We could use zebra patterning (which I have used before) or just switch the camera to black ad white, which is an easier way to distinguish exposure.
All of these points that were brought up will be considered and improved upon for Project Brief 4.