Introduction: Media as Historical Subjects

This reading focuses on the historical subjects of the Web and how it relates to Networking and media. The Web is a core instance or application of what are today are referred to as new media. All media is widely shared by others, by looking into the novelty years, transitional states, and identity crises of different media stands. This reading is about the ways that people experience meaning, how they perceive the world and communicate with each other, and how they distinguish the past and identify culture. A question that is asked: Is the history of media better understood as the story of modern ideas of communication? Some accounts of media history have inventors and machines, while others track the development of ideas and combine elements.

History is about the meanings of media, qualities of human communication and causal mechanisms that account for a historical change. There shared perceptions that todays news and entertainment outlets together are a unified institution. Media are frequently identified with technologies, and the burdens of modernity, which seem to be surrounded by technology. Media seems to be harder to talk or write about. The authors purpose in this reading is to be clear in challenging the ways that today’s new media tend to casually to be conceived of as the end of media history.

Digital media are all converging toward some perfect reconciliation of man and machine. Distributed digital networks have been described as the ultimate medium. It focuses on the  notion that modernism is now complete and familiar temporal sensibilities are at an end. According to Peter Lunenfeld, the digital media dissolves into a stream of bits and bytes. Suggesting an end to the end games of the postmodern era. Media are disappearing subjects in the history they motivate. New media provides new sites for the ongoing experience of representation.

The author defines media as socially realised structures of communication, where structures include both technological forms and their associated protocols, and where communication is a cultural practice, a ritualised collocation of different people on the same mental map, sharing or engaged with popular representations. Media is unique and complicated historical subjects, with their histories being social and cultural.


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