We have come up with a plan, and an idea that acts as a structure so to speak, and it is about the journey. Carly starts at Williamstown and ends in Blackrock, before she turns around and goes back. We want to follow her and her friends on this ride, and document the stages through the use of locations and maps. We like the bridging structure that Matt Soar uses with seasons. A way to distinguish the different stages, when the videos are all brought together. It is a way of dissecting her ride, so that the user can follow her journey.
We like the idea of using a map to set the journey, to show where she is going and were she has been on her bike. The use of animations would be effective which leads into different video and filming techniques.
To follow this journey in more detail we are wanting to connect a camera to Carly’s bike, and have that camera recording while she is riding, that way the user cans he what she is seeing and saying. This is a more personal perspective, a more intimate view which is a way of engaging with the content.
Other techniques we wish to use:
-Landscape shots
-Cutting together of different materials – montage effect.