Method of Working (Part 1)

This post is to consider how this studio will investigate through research and practice the planning and production of a scene. By the end of this studio we will come to  form our own methodology of working. From this journey I would like to know more technical elements from the camera and sound, to help with the coverage of a scene, and talking about scene coverage, I want to explore this more through class, peers and external sources. I want to be able to see a scene and cover it in the best way. Sitting here now, I am finding it hard knowing what my own methodology will be about, so this is what I want to mainly explore. I want to be standing in front of the class for the 3 minute proposal report, and know where I want to be heading, and what I find interesting. Something that I want to research and understand more thoroughly. I already like the idea of ‘research by practice’, and the idea of framing, so I want to investigate these further. I have deconstructed scenes by other filmmakers, and I wish to investigate other directors methodology so I can further my knowledge on scene coverage and personal cinematic style.

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