Every society has its diagram

This reading talks about diagrams and networking through computers and the Internet. Here are my notes that I got out of this one.

  • A diagram is the distributed network, a structure formed without a center that resembles a web. The management style is protocol, and the principle of organisation is linked to computers in these networks. Gilles’ book focuses on the controlling computer technologies. Before computerised information management, the heart of institutional command and control was easy to locate. The power was used to maintain hegemony. Power no longer permanently resides, and command and control now move about as desire.
  • The most extensive computerised information management system today is the Internet, which is a global distributed computer network. It was independent of centralised command and control. At the core of networked computing is the concept of protocol. This is a set of recommendations and rules that outline specific technical standards. Protocols refer specifically to standards governing the implementation of specific technologies.
  • It is common for critics to describe the Internet as an unpredictable mass of data. It is stated that since new communication technologies are based on the elimination of centralised command and hierarchical control, it is clear that the world is witnessing a general disappearance of control.
  • DNS: Is a large decentralised database that amps network addresses to network names.
  • The inventor of the WWW describes the DNS system as one centralised Archilles hell by which the Web can all be brought down and controlled.
  • A distributed network is different from centralised and decentralised networks, by its arrangement of its internal structure. The reading says that A centralised network consists of a single power point, from which are attached radial nodes, and the central point is connected to all of the satellite nodes, which are themselves connected only to the central host. A decentralised network, on the other hand, has multiple central hosts, each with its own set of satellite nodes.


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