As much I can agree with Sarah’s frustration and extreme test of patience when it comes to teaching the olds about Facebook, she and I have both since noted that ‘Network Literacy’ is not particularly relevant to this issue.
Whilst most of us aren’t 100% network literate, (hopefully) we’re all on track to grasping this concept in years to come. Further learning, practise and interaction will propel us towards this goal.
Adrian has made it very clear during the last two symposiums that actions such as knowing how to post to Facebook does not make you network literate. To suggest that would be similar to saying that knowing how to write on a piece of paper makes you print literate. To be print literate means you understand the entire process of producing print through means of the physical acts of making that product. From what I can take from the symposium’s, the same applies to network literacy.
Just because Sarah’s dad, Sarah and I can all use Facebook to suit our needs, does not mean we are all network literate. Rather we are Facebook-functions-literate, perhaps?? Aside from this little pickle that I feel we’ve unpicked, Sarah’s post is just too darn accurate. And I know the pain she went through all too well – I’ve just taught my 71 year old grandmother how to use Facebook… need I say more?