A painfully honest review of blogging so far…

I’m finding it hard to get passionate and excited about maintaining this blog. I want to do well in this course and in uni, and I really do enjoy blogging. I have a Tumblr account too, and despite using that blogging site for more than 4 years I also find difficulty committing to regularly updating that.

I don’t know why this is. I love writing, I’ve enjoyed it since I first learnt how to use a pencil. And a lack of interest in media certainly isn’t the issue, it’s one of the very few passions I’ve had since a kid. So I continue to wonder what it is that prohibits me from regularly contributing blog posts…

If anything, I would have to say it may be an issue of being time-poor. Or lazy. Or perhaps a combination of the two. I’m sorry to the tutors assessing this blog, I know I could have done better with my progress to date as I begin week 3 of the semester.

Something about blogging for uni just doesn’t quite sit right in my mind. I think if I had total freedom over how I could document my learning, I’d choose to make voice recordings of my experiences and developments. Perhaps that’s just because I’m much more of an audio learner than visual or written. I’m doing my best to come to terms with idea that multimedia blogs are vital to a well-rounded and successful media career. I see dozens of established journalists, producers, directors, etc., using blogs every day. I’m hoping it won’t be long before I accept that I too must maintain a thorough blog to prove some kind of credibility.

But here’s hoping I muster up the motivation to get going! To future me at the end of the semester, I really hope this blog is full of ace posts not only in relation to Network Media coursework but rather a whole array of different topics and experiences documented.

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