Self-Portrait: Photographs

Keep Them Even After They’re Dead:

Keep them even after they're dead

Being a hopeless romantic with a slight hoarding problem for sentimental objects I find it near impossible to throw away flowers even after they wilt and rot in the water they have been drowning in for months.


18 Cranes = 18 Good Lucks:

18 Cranes = 18 Good Lucks

Soon after hearing of the famous Japanese legend that creating 1000 origami paper cranes grants one eternal good luck I attempted to sting together the largest cohort of paper cranes the world had ever seen. I ran out of paper at 18 cranes.
This image represents my belief in sentimental attachment to ~things~ and how I feel surrounding oneself in said ~things~ can evoke nostalgia, protection and even good luck.


This Isn’t Even the Whole Collection:

This isn't even the whole collection

My love for film started at a very young age. Every Friday night was “grab 7 DVD’s from Video Ezy” night. My love for watching soon turned into my love for creating.

The Bear Isn’t Relevant to the Story:

Unnecessary Gears

The hat seen above is a souvenir from the first real film I made.

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