We’ve had a few setbacks in regards to the creative choices some of our members have made and some disagreements due to their validity within the video as a whole. This is hard as I really just want to continue working hard so we can get it done.

Rohan told as he did not like the title cards in the video as he thought they were pointless and weren’t needed to support the storyline. I agree with him, however, it does leave the issue of what we have left to fill in those gaps, as well as the gigantic gaps we have in the middle of the video. We tried making different, more simplified titles, though, they didn’t work out and we decided to scrap them all together.

We’re really working against time right now, and I volunteered to go in on Wednesday to finish off the project. Luckily, we managed to get the ending scenes cut up and put in by the end of our session. It was great seeing the opening and closing scenes 100% done and I feel like if we really work hard we can get the video in by its due date.

I personally really am liking our choice of using a few different transitions to give our video more of a fun and stylistic approach. Like our choice of an Iris circle transition at the end and also a slide transition during the arrest. These choices really amp up the aesthetic and make our video stand out a little bit more.

The list of things I’ll have to work on Wednesday is as follows:

  • fixing cuts, making them on the beat
  • syncing each scene to a different chorus or verse
  • editing the middle section with nothing in it
  • putting in a ‘fin.’ title-card at the end
  • exporting and uploading

I really hope I have enough time to complete all of these tasks without difficulty. Olivia said she could come in on Friday to help out, which is a great relief.