Editing this week has been hard. I won’t lie, I suspected we didn’t have enough footage from the red rooms/ usable footage from the pool party, after looking through it in the past week.

Olivia filmed one of the drummers from the band earlier this week and that footage will be great to throw in the middle somewhere in order to spice up the video a bit. I’m learning that maybe filming tonnes and tonnes of footage at the pool party wasn’t the best idea, and we really should’ve planned what we were doing and from which angles. Becuase right now I get a headache just looking at the different shots and trying to figure out what they are. However, I have hope. There is still a lot of work to be done, but in the end, I believe we will end up with something great!

Today we mostly worked on filling this huge gap that we’eve managed to curate, right int he middle. Somewhere, that, is very hard to edit, as it’s in a very chill moment in the song, right before all hell breaks loose. Rohan took a look and said we needed to linger on some of the clips for longer; a) to fill up time, and b) to give the audience a break from this fast-paced video we’ve subjected them to.

I think once we slide in the drumming shots and more of the lead girl in jail we’ll fill up a lot of the gap as well as paint a brighter picture of the story we are trying to tell. Another class member came and watched what we had during our time in the suites and said he liked the ending scenes, however, though it could be more clear who the main characters are. I agree and will hopefully work hard on pushing these tips in our next session.